Okay, want to hear my official stance about this? I personally think you should not be making this style in the first place.
If anybody were to release the SkyBlue skin to the public in conjunction with the admins at vB.org, it'd be me.
You mean well with all the time and effort you've put into your project, but at the end of the day, like infantrymen mentioned, you're seeking to obtain permission after the fact. Which, by the way, is completely illegal.
Creating an existing skin from scratch is painstakingly easy. There is no creativity involved and everything becomes so much easier to do when you can simply use the eye-droplet tool to obtain an exact color scheme. Whether you created the skin from scratch or not, I simply don't care. The fact of the matter is: your end-result intentionally looks almost exactly like vBulletin.org's skin. And have you obtained permission yet? No. Therefore, you are currently in violation of US and international copyright laws. Which means, if I wanted to, I can easily mail off a templated DMCA violation letter to your host and ISP and get you shut down. Luckily for you, I wont.
At the end of the day, it seems to me as if you're going to be going ahead with this either way. It sounds to me as if you are simply trying to seek official permission to justify what you plan on doing anyways. Why else would you spend all the time and effort up-front?
Me, along with quite a few other members of the forums, have expressed our opinions against your stated intentions. Whether or not you go through with this is ultimately your choice--but at least have some respect for the original author. You come in here showing off this skin with barely any prior notice to either me nor the vB.org staff, and worse yet, you don't even mention vBulletin.org nor my name in the footer. That's just not nice.
Just because there are a lot, does not in any way make the act of doing it legal.