Looks nice..
Actually i will be preparing something similar..for a site of mine..
but it should pull "featured-random" pictures.. that meens
users that enroll for special feature.. will have their pics displayed randomly.
But another question.. I looked at the php code of this module for a few minutes..
there is one part that intrigues me..
there was another hack.. that gave errors when there was a simple
& instead of
&& as in:
if ($gallery_permissions["$usergroupid"]['gallery_perms'] & $value)
PHP Code:
if (empty($galleryperms))
$bbuserino['usergrouparray'] = fetch_membergroupids_array($bbuserinfo);
if (empty($bbuserinfo['usergrouparray']))
$bbuserinfo['usergrouparray'] = array(1);
foreach ($bbuserino['usergrouparray'] AS $usergroupid)
if (empty($gallery_permissions["$usergroupid"]))
$usergroupid = 1;
foreach ($gallerypermissionsbit AS $option => $value)
if (!$galleryperms["$option"] OR in_array($option, array('moderateimages', 'moderateposts')))
$galleryperms["$option"] = 0;
if ($gallery_permissions["$usergroupid"]['gallery_perms'] & $value)
$galleryperms["$option"] = 1;
on the second hand
are you sure there isnt one typo among the $bbuserinfo and $bbuserino?