Ok next problem..
What code can i use in the phrases as i am tryign to add bullet points.
I edited first_visit_message to
Welcome to the <strong>{3}</strong> forums. <br /><br />You are currently viewing our boards as a <strong>guest</strong> which gives you limited access allowing you only to view posts. <br /><br />By <a href="{2}><strong>Registering</strong> you will benifit from. <br /><br /><ul><li>Posting to receive free support.</ul><ul>Private Messages (PM) between othe rmembers.</ul><ul>Access to our computer cheats database.</ul><ul>Access to our e.mail support system.</ul><ul>And much more..</ul> <br /><br />So dont hesitate to <a href="{2}"><strong>Register Today</strong>!
But all that shows on the webpage is
Welcome to the Buku Sami forums.
You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access allowing you only to view posts.
By Register Today!
Why si it not shwoing up all the text aswell as bullet points?
EDIT: I am being completly N00bed and forgot the closing
and a "

ignore me and learn from this!