I'll come back later when I have a bit more time but the quick version is this.
120+ well trained and versed Staff (very important)
Multi-Tier'd staff levels:
-Research Assistants (No mod powers)
-Forum Leaders
-Senior Mod
-Super Mod
There is a reason for each level and each level has different responsibilities.
Each level has its own staff forums.
No posts are to be deleted, ever. We have staff "trashcan" forums when something needs to be removed or stripped.
We have staff "teams". Each team is lead by a super mod.
Due to the nature of our forum, we have all 50 states represented, plus a variety of other countries and regions. The larger states and regions also have team forums where staff can work on projects and discuss forum specific things.
We are very hands on with our staff and we feel very strongly that staff can make or break a community, especially bad apples. Fortunately, we have been blessed with having some really fine people get involved with our community.
We are heading toward a major upgrade and with it we will likely try and incorporate a help-desk into the system since we get a huge amount of emails to the admin box that I share with one of my two fellow admins.