Perhaps you should try reading the notes instead of shooting your mouth off.
The latest versions of Flashchat (i.e. 4.4.1 and above) now include my integration as part of the standard Tufat supplied files ..
Flashchat only "
already works with vb" becuase of the vbulletin35CMS.php integration file that I wrote (and maintain, on behalf of Tufat). You will also find several other bits of my code embedded in the flashchat files, since Tufat has included them over time. The vb3.0 integration file is also maintained by me.
As for headers & footers, they have absolutely nothing to do with integration whatsoever. What planet are you on ?
For the record, you did not just ask a simple question, your exact words were "
all the work was done by Tufat and you haven't even integrated to vb"
Trolls do not offend me, but ignorance makes me angry.