As you know we have 8 massively powerful dual xeons and are bumping up against our limit. Our intention was to have all our sites on one db server with 3 slaves for searches and reads. This wasn't working so we moved our largest site to it's own dual xeon with a second for searching, and left the remaining sites on the other two boxes. This has really freed up a ton of capacity, but who knows what will happen when the world cup comes and our traffic goes 500%
4x Web servers: Intel Dual Xeon 2.8 GHz, 2 GB Ram, 2 X 80 GB with Raid 1
3x DB servers: Intel Dual Xeon 2.8 GHz, 8 GB Ram, 3 X 73 GB SCSI U320 10K RPM with Raid 5
1x DB server: Dual P4
2x Load balancers: Dual P4 3.0 ghz, 1gb Ram
PHP 4.4.1
MySQL 4.0.24