I really give up now and DO NOT recommend this hack to anyone. Its not stable and I can honestly say I've spent over 15 hours over a few months on this alone with nothing to show.
This is what I did today. Realizing that I had a few issues with my forums I contacted vbulletin support. Their suggestion was to disable all plug-ins and delete all hacks. I did that and still had issues. Next I was suggested to create a completely new style and all templates would be default. I did this and it seemed to resolve all my issues. Going ahead with a working style now I deleted all my other styles. From this I assumed I had a clean slate and no bugs or issues to deal with if I was to reinstall this paypal hack. Well I can honestly say that I shouldn't have wasted my time. After reinstalling it on a new working style I was still having the same issue of the members not showing up after they donated. I manually added the member and this still didn't affect my goal. Don't know what else to say, this hack wasted over 15 hours and nothing to show and I installed this paypal hack in 10 mins working flawlessly if anyone is interested.
Good luck if anyone can pinpoint these issues that seems impossible to resolve.