Originally Posted by jdsinclair
It does not really matter where you put it in the sequence, if it in the middle then you don't need to worry about the </if> as it is taken care at the bottom of the template.
Glad it helped you out though  Just add as many messages as you need, but please take into account if have too many of them, then your members will start to ignore them, and that will be bad for retention.
If I add a new message without the </if> at the end, it always causes an error.
I have to put them in proper order in this sense for the user groups. If a person can belong to more than one usergroup, then the usergroup that always takes presedence must go before the other usergroup messages, and
they all must go after the posting your first post message as well as well as the 2 week no post message, otherwise usergroup will never see the first post message and no posting for 2 weeks message. I love it. Now anyone who has joined the
Apostle for a region,
Elder of a locality or
Elder of a meeting place user groups will see what their responsibility is always never to forget it for the Church. But if they don't even post on the forum, then this shows their losing interest by not studying and writing something they have learned, and if they can't even post once every two weeks, how can they focus on their responsibility of their office? It is just a quick short sentence, but it is everything that describes their responsible undertaking! This is exactly what I needed. Everything in my forum has an awesome cause and effect relationship.
Those unsaved are handled. Other members of the body of Christ still can post and do most functions, but their responsibility and/or gifting is elsewhere. The forum becomes a solid structure for the Church from top to bottom, by meeting at the bottom
Elders of a meeting place with the apostles at the top to point to Elders in the middle of a locality (also with a meeting place), which is a miniature of the new city in the new earth and which overcomers are rewarded to reign over these tabernacle cities (type-the tents, in coming out of Egypt). The cause and effect is from 12 apostles, and more apostles to follow, to elders of a locality to elders of a meeting place to the whole body.
If they don't join the map and yet say they are elders of a meeting place, something is not right. If they join the map and
don't say they are elders, something is not right. If they say they apostles and yet say they don't agree with the apostles decision to use the map to appoint elders, something is wrong. If they say they are elders yet don't join the user group, something is wrong. If they speak contrary to their responsibility, something is wrong. If they enter their meeting place wrong, it shows something is wrong. And all the header messages produce 5 steps along the way (+3 usergroup messages for the body of Christ forum) do the same, indicating when something that needs to be done first or was done incorrectly. All these checks and balances are very intriguing and very useful. I'm just left with an Amen.