thank you so much for your help. i think i finally figured it out and perhaps my request wasn't very clear. but it works now. what i did was in your "lpp_messenger_loggedinuser" template, i changed the necessary area to:
<if condition="$vboptions['lppaktiv']">
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['lppstatus']=='1'">
<a onClick="'lpp_messenger.php?do=lppmessenger&userid=$loggedin[userid]','_blank','toolbar=no,resizable=yes, location=no,menubar=no,width=430,height=310,top=150,left=100,status=no');return false"
target="_blank" title="$loggedin[username] $vbphrase[lppmess_send_a_mess]" href="lpp_messenger.php?do=lppmessenger&userid=$loggedin[userid]">
<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/vbim.gif" alt="$loggedin[musername] $vbphrase[lppmess_send_a_mess]" border="0" />
</a>$stylevar[dirmark]<a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$loggedin[userid]" rel="nofollow">$loggedin[musername]</a>$loggedin[invisiblemark]$loggedin[buddymark]
<else />
it works beautifully and comes up in the forumhome page with the pager graphic. now people who want to page can click on the pager before the user name or click on the user name if they want to view its profile. personally, i think giving the user the choice to either page or click on profile is a little better.
anyhow, you're definitely a rockstar for putting up with my request. one more thing though and i know this is asking way too much, but how would i accomplish the same thing in the "Online Users" module of vbAdvanced?