Burley, defcon_420, look at post 101...
that code works on MY VB 3.5.2 install. i am working on getting the code to add a user to a group right now.. i just cant get it to work yet. im stealing the code from AdminGroupEdit.inc. its in there, but i cant get it to work yet in teh gallery integration script.
if anybody has some insight or anything to help me along i would be gratefull. the guys who made this thread and supported it for the 1st few pages are still not on VB 3.5 i belive. i sent them both PM's a month or so ago and there are only a few people on VB 3.5.x and have it working.
but as i said, post 101 has the code to get the users created. i have tested it with 2 of my moderators right now, but i do not want to make it public UNTIL i get the automated group adidtions... i just dont have that code working yet

i check this thread every other day or so, if you need some help il do what i can for ya(not much sadly)