Originally Posted by PcFreak
You must change the relative path to the lpp_messenger.php in an absolute path.
You can do this in the lpp_messenger_wol template.
search for this:
and change ist to for e.g.:
thank you, i will try this. however, my lpp_messenger_wol template is quite different than the one you list. mine looks like:
<!--LPP Messanger Start-->
<if condition="$vboptions['lppaktiv']">
<if condition="$userinfo['lppstatus']=='1'">
<a onClick="window.open('lpp_messenger.php?do=lppmessenger&userid=$userinfo[userid]','_blank','toolbar=no,resizable=yes, location=no,menubar=no,width=430,height=310,top=150,left=100,status=no');return false"
target="_blank" href="lpp_messenger.php?do=lppmessenger&userid=$userinfo[userid]">
<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/vbim.gif" alt="$userinfo[username] $vbphrase[lppmess_send_a_mess]" border="0" /></a>
<!--LPP Messanger Stop-->
where in the above would i put it?