Originally Posted by Slave
Whoa! .. you sure you don't want to just get vB Gallery instead?
I'm all for adding features, but isn't this going that little bit too far away from what this hack is all about?
ahha, well I'm just giving suggestions. If Andrew is looking for stuff to add/change/improve then sometimes it helps to have some outside comments instead of trying to think of it all yourself.
I'm more than happy with what the hack is right now, he's done an excellent job. I have avoided installing other gallery hacks because I'd rather install or use one done by Andrew and I'd rather have it done in 1 hack instead of 3 or 4. (His hack is so versatile that instead of needing 1 hack for downloads, 1 for links, 1 for pictures, 1 for bandwidth, etc.. we can do it all with this)
btw, has this ever been on the hack of the month poll?