This looks like a pretty decent and useful addition.
I'd like to caution my friends here that it can also cause you some trouble. If you've promised the users on your site even a wee bit of privacy and they see their name in someone's post.. they could wonder how, that person, knew who they were. Many webmasters won't stop at the "You" thing and go for things like, "address, email, etc... " and if those things have been private in the past... whoosh! - It could get ugly.
I remember the fights that used to start back in the old BBS days when someone would read a post that said something like , "BILL has a BIG NOSE".. Everyone who read that, didn't understand what was happening and many of them took offense and began blasting back at the original poster.. Great for a Flame board, but lots of webmasters don't allow flaming on their site...
So, now where's that Install switch again... ? Just tossing in a caution