There Should be 5 Steps Not 4 Steps
Ted S has a great 4 steps: (1) welcome message for guests, (2) message for those who did not get an email to verify or who gave the wrong email address submitted, (3) a message for those who validated their email to post their first post), and (4) a message for those who have not posted for 2 weeks.
Totally awesome! I love it.
I also moderate my accounts though for registing as I have no choice, because sometimes spammers come in from for example plotting by bringing in 100 to 185 people at once to spam literally hundreds of grotesque posts in just a couple of hours (and they do this a couple times a week, picking their spots for the attack. So you see I have to moderate registering. Initially, I took the message to post a first post to an "Introductory" forum to allow new members to post in this forum while still moderating registration. Those in the COPPA user group could post in the Introductory forum, but still the spammers would come. They only don't attack my site when I moderate registration and disallow posting until a registration is approved.
As it is now, I changed (3) to read as follows:
"Our records indicate that you have never posted to our site before! If your registration is now approved, why not make your first post today by starting a new topic or responding to an existing thread.
However I would prefer, and it would be better, if this message came after a message 2.5 which says something about being in the moderator que waiting for the account to be confirmed. Please be patient for a moderator to approve your account.
Then, after an account that has registered is approved, they can receive header that invites users to post their fist post to any forum.
After someone validates their email, they are not placed in the Registered User Group for my forum, but they are placed in the COPPA (Users Awaiting Moderation) User Group to become Registered Users.