PhpBB -> ProBoards -> Invision free -> WTCBB -> VBulletin (admin in VB, I don't own it)
I started as an admin in PhpBB when some guy I knew invited me there and made me a mod, then after a while he made me an admin cause I was the most active member there (what do you expect from this free stuff anyway?). Then I found out how many free forum softwares there are out there, became admin at some PB/Invision forums, made some, etc.. I had also found out about WTCBB, but I didn't know what the heck MySQL and PHP were, so I couldn't use it. After some months, when I had started programming and everything, I figured out what databases and PHP were, so I decided to attempt programming using this stuff, which is when I found my savior, the WAMP server. I programmed in MySQL and PHP a bit, made some forum software (it looked more like an instant messenger, but that was enough for me) and after lotsa time I finally installed WTCBB on localhost. Soon, Superfly made me an admin in his forums, because of my programming knowledge, so that I could mess around with the templates and everything. And I can say that VB is the best of all these.