Originally Posted by dsotmoon
2 questions
#1 as someone else asked, can this made to be usergroup based, ie: allow it for specified groups but not all
Actually no.
Originally Posted by dsotmoon
#2 can it be made where its off for the user by default and they would have to enable it via their profile options? I ask this because I would not want to upset members who would prefer NOT to receive this type of IM
This has not been tested by me. I think PcFreak will give you a statement on this.
So long try this at your own risk:
Uninstall product.
In product XML search for:
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ADD lppstatus SMALLINT(6) NOT NULL default '1'");
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ADD lppstatus SMALLINT(6) NOT NULL default '0'");
Reimport the XML.
Originally Posted by dsotmoon
Also what does this do to the server load as I remember someone else doing a silular hack and poeple were complaining that the server load went crazy after installing the hack
Please read posts #42 to #44.