Originally Posted by Firestar.chkn
Thanks! seems I missed that one.
I do see the upload_filetypes field, but I do not know in which format to add the two values to. They are added to the attachments table.
Sorry about that - you've found a bug in 2.1.3b3. I'd lost the declaration of a variable in the code that handles the upload_filetypes field - happened while I was 'tidying up'. The field should accept a list of file suffixes separated by commas, e.g. zip, rar
If you want a quick fix, edit local_links_misc.php, find the line
PHP Code:
function update_settings($catid, $settings, &$errors) {
and change the next line to
PHP Code:
global $db, $mimetype_cache;
You can just re-upload this file and (yes) the local_links_include.php - these changes do not require reinstallation.