Originally Posted by LJR
This is exactly the problem I am getting too, and I have the edits done also. Also, even if you go into 'points' and select 'Admin Donate' the function reports you need to be an administrator. I have set this in the eStore Manage Settings -> Administrators Usergroups and also in Admin Donate Option -> Additional Allowed Usergroups (checked both my admin groups). The eBux eStore Permissions in the admin usergroups global permissions are set to all "yes"
I would just like to mention that this was working in one of the prior versions (I can't remember which).
I am wondering if it's to do with when there are more than one administrator usergroup?
I am able to admin donate I just do not see the item on the menu.
This may help you. Try and set:
Override Category Permissions Yes
Maybe the category is not set to have admins.