Dear CMX:
Thank you for adding:
Moderators Earn Extra Points Multiplier?
Super Moderators Earn Extra Points Multiplier?
These are very important features!
However, please change it to work like this:
1) Enter Usergroups & Forums which will earn Extra point Multiplier.
So, this way, this feature is NOT only limited to Moderators and Super-Moderators. But, it can be offered to any usergroup that I specify.
Also, by specifying which forums will allow this extra point multiplier, we can make sure that the selected usergroups will only earn extra points if they post in certain forums.
Scenario: I have a forum, where there are support sections and there are "useless chat" sections. I don't want the usergroup which was given the extra multiplier to be posting in the "useless chat" section and earn this multiplier; rather, i want them to post and earn extra points only when posting in Support sections of the forum.
Thanks in advance. This feature will be appreciated by many.