Originally Posted by lairnoc
sorry cannot find thos settings at all i hope cmx will help me out there 
You looked in your admincp --> usergroups --> usergroup manager --> edit a usergroup and scroll all the way to the bottom.
eBux eStore Permissions
Can this group purchase eStore options? Yes No
Can this group view entries from the Item History? Yes No
Can this group view entries from the Lottery Winners? Yes No
Can this group delete entries from the Item History? Yes No
Can this group delete entries from the Lottery Winners? Yes No
Can this group delete their own gifts? Yes No
Can this group delete anybody's gifts? Yes No
Discount Rate Percentage
Paycheck Amount
Can this group be purchased as a Secondary Usergroup in the eStore? Yes No
How much does this group cost if purchaseable as a Secondary Usergroup?
Can this group be purchased as a Primary Usergroup in the eStore? Yes No
How much does this group cost if purchaseable as a Primary Usergroup?
If it is not there maybe you did not import with overwrite set to yes.