I am having some trouble with this.
I have done everything to-the-letter, but the custom option (which is the
[you] hack) is still being allowed across the board. Is this a function of the [you] hack, or is there something I am missing in these instructions?
I seem to only be able to turn the [you] hack on/off by changing the php code here (from 1 to 0) (this is how I have the [you] hack configured on my site after following the instructions)
PHP Code:
if ($foruminfo['perforumhack'] == 1)
// your code here
$this->post['message'] = str_replace('[you]', $this->registry->userinfo['username'], $this->post['message']);
the adminCP forum option always defaults to "No" as well - even when I save and re-enter the forum manager.
here is what I used in the forumadmin_edit_forum hook:
PHP Code:
print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['Allow_Hack'], 'vb3_forum[perforumhack]', $vb3_forum['perforumhack']);