Originally Posted by Hellcat
Try this (worked on my board):
Open the plugin " Usercountdown - Save Settings" and replace the complete contents with this:
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array( "countdownuserfield" => TYPE_STR,
"cdsettings" => TYPE_ARRAY ));
$cdsettings = $vbulletin->GPC["cdsettings"];
$cdprofilefield = $vbulletin->GPC["countdownuserfield"];
$cddata["enabled"] = $cdsettings[$cdprofilefield . "_enable"];
$cddata["day"] = $cdsettings[$cdprofilefield . "_day"];
$cddata["month"] = $cdsettings[$cdprofilefield . "_month"];
$cddata["year"] = $cdsettings[$cdprofilefield . "_year"];
$cddata["hour"] = $cdsettings[$cdprofilefield . "_hour"];
$cddata["minute"] = $cdsettings[$cdprofilefield . "_minute"];
$cddata["event"] = $cdsettings[$cdprofilefield . "_event"];
$cddata["overmsg"] = $cdsettings[$cdprofilefield . "_overmsg"];
$vbuserfields[$cdprofilefield] = serialize( $cddata );
$vbuserfields[$cdprofilefield . "_set"] = "1";
$vbuserfields[$cdprofilefield . "_opt"] = "";
$userdata->set_userfields( $vbuserfields );
The cleanup script is almost done.... 
Thanks Hellcat that fixed it.. working perfect now..
Just one question, I want to change the way its displayed in the sig, like add breaks and maybe change font, where do I go to edit that part..