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Old 02-28-2006, 07:15 PM
Chris Lang Chris Lang is offline
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Shortly after I posted the list of updates, I had a bit of crisis myself. I was going to update the hack and somehow I managed to DROP all the tables in the database for this hack (tried to overwrite the product, then tried uninstall --- big mistake!).

I want to mention that I'm in no way a 'coder'. There is probably a much easier way of doing this. I'm simply putting down what I found by trial and error and about 8 hours of work:

This will be helpful for people who wish to cleanly uninstall the product if that process has already failed and you're stuck. (Stuck meaning, you're board is down because of missing MYSQL tables and fields brought on by an incomplete uninstall or a upgrade 'gone bad'). I want to mention that unless you had a backup prior to upgrading/re-installing this hack, any existing userpages and shouts are toast.

You will need the following:

A. PHPMYADMIN (Your dedicated box should have this, if not, don't bother reading on). Obviously you need the MYSQL username and password to use this.

B. Downloaded a fresh copy of the vBulletin Software with the same version you are running on your 'live board'

C. Room on your server for another copy of vBulletin.

D. Create a new database for the 'Dev Forum' you're going to set up. (call it 'forum2' if you prefer, but obviously don't use the existing database)

E. Backup your Database. Do it, now. (You didn't originally and that's why you're in this mess, along with me).


1. First, Go to PHPMYADMIN and select your existing forum database. Check for the following tables: Userpage_rate, Usershout and Userpage. If any of these are missing, then its likely you've dropped them somehow and you can pretty much kiss them goodbye if you didn't have full backup for your database (like what happened to me!).

Next, go into Table 'usergroup' and see if the field 'userpagepermissions' is present. If it's missing, proceed to step 2.

2. This next step assumes that you have either corrupted, dropped or are otherwise missing some or all of your tables. At this point, you can drop any of the existing tables since the assumption now is that your existing userpages and shouts are gone and you're going for a fresh install/upgrade.

Save yourself some time and just leave PHPMYADMIN running for now.

In your Vbulletin AdminCP:

3. First, disable the Product (don't bother trying to delete it if you've already messed up tables). This will keep your board running. (You may want to take your board 'down' during this process).

2. This is a bit time consuming, but it'll be helpful down the road: Create a 'clean' DEV-Forum for yourself (basically a clean fresh forum install of the version you're running).

3. Install the Product on the new forums and follow the other instructions (rebuild bitfields, phrase edit, etc). Verify that its working normally.

4. Go to PHPMYADMIN (because you left it open, right?) and select the NEW database 'forum2' or whatever you decided to name it. Choose and select one the following three tables (choose 'Browse, or just double click on them in the left-hand listing)


Choose EXPORT and export the table structure to a MYSQL file, select "save" and save it on your desktop or someplace handy (be sure to name the file accordingly, so you can keep track of which one is which). Repeat the process for each table above.

You should now have 3 MYSQL files on your desktop (or someplace handy).

Now, Using PHPMYADMIN, select your OLD forum database and then Click STRUCTURE. The listing of tables will appear. Verify that the 3 tables you're going to import are indeed DROPPED (gone).

Scroll down past the listing in STRUCTURE to the bottom dialog where its asking for a filename to use. Click Browse, select one of your three MYSQL files from your desktop (or your oh-so-handy-place). Import all three files in the same manner. 3 Tables will be created (I know, you're asking about that missing field 'userpagepermissions', we're getting to that).


Now we're going to go back and uninstall the Product on your OLD board correctly. Go into your ADMIN CP, go to your Product Manager and UNINSTALL the product. At this point, the product should uninstall without any issue. If not, you may have missed a table somewhere. The uninstallation will also take care of that pesky 'Userpagepermissions' table, too, if it was in your database.

Now that the product is uninstalled, you're going to simply re-install the product, making sure you're using the latest ZIP version and follow the instructions carefully.

What happened in the above sequences was this; we created blank entries (tables) using a new forum, exported the instructions to create them into 3 MYSQL files, imported them into your old database, ran the uninstall, which can now run properly because it has found all the database entries it needs to to properly uninstall, and then we just re-installed.

Now, that wasn't too bad was it? And you've just learned some things about MYSQL, PHPMYADMIN and you've got a brand-spankin' new DEV forum you can screw up to your heart's content.

Was this helpful? Please let me know!
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