Originally Posted by gothicuser
Same here, I've instructed my news mods not to post anything with quotes, which is quite a feat as they are truly fond of their quotes........:ermm:
The problem comes from CMPS. My code is considered like basic text when CMPS counts the number of caracters. It means if you have specified in CMPS a X maximum caracters to display, the code included into the quote template will be counted too ! Just try to enter "0" in the maximum caracter to display of CMPS news module and you will see it will work. But i know, that's not a good solution.
You should contact Brian to ask him if there is a way to exclude the code template from the text message, otherway create a new bbcode with a short code like this :
HTML Code:
<div style="padding:$stylevar[cellpadding]px"><fieldset class="fieldset"><legend style="font-size: 11px;color:black;font-weight:bold;">Article:</legend>{param}</fieldset>
(176 caracters)