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Old 02-27-2006, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by mandy71480
Right, it's not showing up in the navbar.
Do u use a paid style purchased from somewhere? Sometimes those places have links in the header instead of the navbar templates..

Originally Posted by X-Files
I see your points.

Regarding the limit. We were on phpbb and they had a points system that had this feature and we have been missing it since the move to vB.

Regarding the points removal. Usually for us it will just be one post in one forum. Do you think there would be a way to accomplish this without to much hacking.

For the reporting can everyone see the admin donate?

We will probably be trying this out on our dev site soon.

Thanks for your reply. You guys seem much more responsive than the ucash/ushop group.
Well, with the limit I could probably do something like that and have a global admin setting where the user cant get more than x points in a day, but it will take at least 1 field added to the user table and/or a big query inside a cron job to reset the "points received" daily. And if u have 200,000 members like my forums do, that query alone takes 4-5 seconds by itself, maybe more. The problem I see with this feature is it adds more and more queries the more I think about it.

As far as the points removal, that is one huge process to do. You could shorten it by not removing points for the "number of views", and not removing points for each user who had posted in the thread, but that kind of defeats the purpose of adding it in the first place..

As far as migrating from uCash v1.1.1, uCash 1.1.1 did NOT have a bank system, so u can use the Admin CP feature called uCash Integration to copy the points from the ucash tables to the ebux ones.

Originally Posted by X-Files
Can we display the points (chips) in the navbar welcome block?

Welcome, X-Files. You have 32,997 chips!
You last visited: Today at 10:46 AM
Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 328.
Can the name be changed to chips instead of points?

Can we have real items in the shop?

Buy widget #1 for 1000 points(chips for us).

I know I should probably install and try things out. I need to get our dev site updated. so that I can try this out.
Real items in the shop, no, but I'm sure someone will make an add on for that. To change the name of points u can change the phrase ebux_points and it will change it most spots, like postbit, member info, etc..

The plugin I run for global_start sets up the points values for u...

	// add the points to the userinfo
	$vbulletin->userinfo['points'] = vb_number_format($vbulletin->userinfo[$vbulletin->options['ebux_pointsfield']], $vbulletin->options['ebux_decimalplaces']);
	$vbulletin->userinfo['bank'] = vb_number_format($vbulletin->userinfo[$vbulletin->options['ebux_bankfield']], $vbulletin->options['ebux_decimalplaces']);
	$vbulletin->userinfo['totalpoints'] = vb_number_format($vbulletin->userinfo[$vbulletin->options['ebux_pointsfield']] + $vbulletin->userinfo[$vbulletin->options['ebux_bankfield']], $vbulletin->options['ebux_decimalplaces']);
So you can use those variables to gain access to the points $vbulletin->userinfo[points] in a template should work... or $userinfo[points] or $bbuserinfo[points] might work depending on what template u r putting it in.

Originally Posted by 1numara
first, thanks for answer

i found the panel settings you said.

i think you said "eBux eStore Permissions" - "Can this group purchase eStore options at all?"

i checked this settings for all usergroup i want to give access, but it's already set as "yes" ...

did i look the correct settings ? if yes, is there something else to recommend me ?
Also check the permission for the Categories under eStore Options -> Manage Categories too.

Originally Posted by CallieJo2
I've deleted the old one...but it didn't affect the issue with gifts not showing up in postbit for most users. Even after updating the giftie fix thang in admin and here is my postbit/postbit legacy code:
<if condition="$post['giftsdisplay']"><div class="smallfont">$post[giftsdisplay]</div></if>
<if condition="$vboptions['ebux_enabled']"><div>$post[ribbons]</div></if>

Okies...thanks. If at any time in the future...not wanting to fill your plate more...can you enable it to be admin preference whether or not to show them all with messages or to just show them once with no message in postbit only?

At first I missed the messages, but then loved that it only showed one gift when there were more than one of the same thang. It kept it clean looking and peopes still could view messages in the profiles.

Also, I see the delete option in profile but not the hide option. Am I missing something? And is this always going to be in the profile for managing? I like it that way rather than usercp.

Thanks for all your hard work!! It's much appreciated BUNCHES!

Once I get this one site finished up I'll be working on another and adding your awesome product to that time, I will again donate a little somethang somethang...Thanks and have a splendid day
Did u reupload the Product XML file with Allow Overwrite set to Yes? I checked someones site out who was having this same problem and they did not import the v1.2.2 product xml file with overwrite set to yes as the Manage Products still said v1.2.1 for the eBux/eStore version number.

It has no effect to show them without the message really, they will always be stored serialized in to the user table now, so having an option to disable the title that is already gonna be in there doesnt seem like a good feature? since its already available and its nice to have some "alt" title for images...

The hide option was one I didnt have time to finish yet, but it will be coming soon.

Originally Posted by mandy71480
this is what my navbar template code looks like if this helps... not sure why estore isn't showing up in the navbar

<script type="text/javascript">
function log_out()
	ht = document.getElementsByTagName("html");
	ht[0].style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayscale=1)";
	if (confirm('$vbphrase[sure_you_want_to_log_out]'))
		return true;
		ht[0].style.filter = "";
		return false;

<br />

<!-- breadcrumb, login, pm info -->
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<!-- / breadcrumb, login, pm info -->

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<if condition="$show['member']">
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<!-- / nav buttons bar -->

<br />
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<if condition="$show['popups']">
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	<!-- / header quick search form -->

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<if condition="$show['member']">
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		<tr><td class="thead"><a href="estore.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[estore_name] $vbphrase[estore_main]</a></td></tr>
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		<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'], 6)">
			<tr><td class="thead">$vbphrase[estore_admin_only]</a></td></tr>
			<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="estore.php?$session[sessionurl]do=action&amp;itemid=12">$vbphrase[estore_admin_donate]</a></td></tr>

	<!-- / estore tools menu -->


	<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="pagenav_menu" style="display:none">
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			<td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[go_to_page]</td>
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<!-- / PAGENAV POPUP -->
The only thing I can think of is r u logged in? Because the eStore only shows to users who are logged in.

Originally Posted by LBSources
BUMP? :nervous:

Ayway to exclude a certain usergroup from points per download?
Well it's always possible, the only issues I'm starting to think about is, there are like 34 options for eBux Settings, before u know it, there will be 100 like there are store options lol

Originally Posted by MissKalunji
i have the other hack : award

and when i go to request goes blank
if i unable the ebux hack it shows

same thing for the vbgallery sorry i didnt explain myself properly
I'm not familiar with this hack, maybe its just incompatible?

Originally Posted by Ilovechase
CMX_CMGSCCC- Sorry about not being so specific earlier...Okay

1)When posting you should get 20 points, after posting the points are the same as the original points, then it updates a few hours later very wierd.

2) When purchasing gifts the money doesnt deduct from your points. So if you are purchasing a gift for 50.00 and you see that it says 50.00 in cp, when you go to purchase it in the store it says it is free, once purchased. But this morning when I checked the history it is like it deducts later because it shows the correct price for it a few hours later.
so basically the points are delayed either way whether it is suppose to add or delete points.

3) When trying to change user titles I am getting The user you are trying to do this option to is protected against it!

Thank you
#1 and 2 I have no idea why that could happen, if u can replicate it every time and send me login details to ur site for admin with can administer plugins and I can replicate it easy, I can figure out whats wrong, but for it to happen randomly, I dont have the time to sit and wait all day until it happens. So try to narrow it down some more to the exact problem and then send me a PM.

#3 will be fixed in v1.2.3

Originally Posted by Cyricx
You have glowing username.. what about shadow username?

I've always loved the look of glow and shadow together
Glowing and shadow use the same filter: command? and can they be combined, if so, does it require a second div, or can it simply be added into the style="blah" part of the DIV it already uses?

Originally Posted by kofoid
I seem to have 3 Scheduled tasks for paychecks, all paycheck settings are at ZERO and everyone keeps getting paid. so I have 2 questions

1) Why is everyone still getting paid

2) why are there 3 scheduled tasks?
First off, u should delete 2 of the 3 tasks as there should only be 1.

Second, the cron tasks always run evne if no usergroups gets points, they just dont get any points added...

Originally Posted by Harley77
I can confirm the award hack issue. Screen goes blank when you request an award.

Here is a link to the hack
Hmm, no idea why that would happen. It sounds like an issue with the awards hack, I checked their plugins and they dont use any same variable names that I use for eBS, so I dont see why there would be any issues.

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Template Usage:
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Phrase Groups Available:
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