Originally Posted by ubblite
I have the latest version of this extension installed (v1.2.2) & I know this is a dumb question, but I'm having one problem with it. I can't change anything to a user's account, like their Avatar, Title, just about everything. All I get is:
"The user you are trying to do this option to is protected against it!"
message every time I try. It doesn't matter what user I try to apply the changes too, I keep receiving the same message. All the eStore options are at their default settings.
Any ideas? :ermm:
Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
There are some usergroups that are protected by default, 5-7, as they are staff members. U can disable the staff protection by going to Admin CP -> eStore Options -> Manage Settings -> Protected From Options Usergroups?
Thank you for the quick response.
Yeah, I tried doing what you mentioned & even switched the usergroup setting to 0 in --> Protected From Options Usergroups. I get the same message regardless of which usergroup I try to apply the change (like user title): "The user you are trying to do this option to is protected against it!" every time. It's frustrating because everything else seems to be working great.
Anything else I can try to solve this problem?