Mine works great, the only problem I'm having are some Phrases that are missing but that is a simple fix I'm sure and I think it was my error that caused this problem.
Check my user pages out:
I've modified it to be DJ Profiles instead of just plain user pages and add some custom fields that get autoentered based on some custom profile fields I created.
I love this mod!! Thanks again AMY!!
Originally Posted by ???`S?LV?R???`
True, but for users without knowledge in php, as well as users that download this hack, install it from how it's released, the bugs that have been fixed have not been implemented, thus creating a hastle situation for the user.
That's great if you've fixed the problems for it to run smoothly for your forum, but I havn't seen anyone that has taken the time to do so for their own forum, post a complete post of the steps to fixing the known problems of this hack. It would be easier to follow complete & well written steps within one post instead of fishing through this thread for the fixes.