Hey Guys, I have a subscription set up for my users but little if any of them really check it out. I want to have all new users have the option to purchase a subscription on the same page as the sign up process.
This would
1. Make the donations/subscription page more pronounced
2. Result in more subscribers
3. Makes it more obvious that we need donations.
Ideally either of these will work.
1. On User Sign Up. In the registration, allow them to see that there is a subscription service and have it very easy to sign up for it. Maybe a check mark or whatever...
Any way to do that?
2. After a intial user sign up, have them redirected to the Forum Subscription Page or announcment post to purchase or decline?
I know there is a redirect script that allows a redirect for user groups after X number of days but I am looking for something for intial user sign ups.
I plan on using the timed redirect as well.
*Mod please move to Mod Request for 3.5, thanks!