Originally Posted by tokenyank
There is a very good hack for IPB that I ran before I went to a vB license...
I've used the following with XOOPS, an open-source content management system:
Recette (Cookbook Management).
Though not directly translatable, the database schema may be of help to someone trying to put together a similar module for vBulletin 3.0 or 3.5.
- Sid
Originally Posted by ptmuldoon
I'd like to resurrect this old post. I have been so patiently awaiting a recipe hack for over a year now. Has anything developed at all? In the past, I've used Cinq's vbarticles has as substitute, but its not a true recipe hack similar to allrecipes.com
I've come across a few open-source recipe scripts on sourceforge.net. Perhaps these would be of some help to some coder willing to take up this project:
sourceforge.net search for keywords "php recipe".
- Sid