Your talking about the problem where the dropdown menus don't work correct? Because if you are - it isn't to do with your computer. The last case that I saw of that problem, was that quite a huge slice of code had been removed from the navbar template, if you add that code it should work. I don't know the code right now, so I couldn't tell you, but by looking at your code it should be pretty simple. But no matter
If code was missing it should be affecting all site's members. It is not. Only me. My fellow admin and moderators are having no issues at all with it.
I just updated to 3.5.4. And it is still doing it. Even without the Menu Control.
So, I readded it for others.
And on top of that now, for me, _blank is not working.
If code is missing it was missing from the zip file from Vbulletin from both 3.5.3 and 3.5.4. Because I uploaded and overwrote and then reverted the templates.
Not blaming you for anything. Just this is the kind of thing I moved from phpBB to get away from. Don't need it again with a $160.00 price tag attached as well.
OK. Venting complete.:nervous:
Just wanted to ensure any doubters after speaking before your code is not at issue here at all. Don't want any false impressions left. That would not be fair to you.
But this remains really frustrating.