Originally Posted by markblair
I'm not even sure what you mean. All I did was install the mod as it was downloaded. I made no changes outside of removing the option that says to not have this report specific userid's (i.e. the admin account). My main username is the Administrator account. I also have a second username for testing purposes. When logging in with both, I did not get a PM sent to me. When I changed it to create a new thread in a specific forum, that worked.
I'm going to try this later tonight but what are all the differences that everyone wants? What was in the original that this update now includes? Thanks!
i was trying to ask if you had the it configured as the user to send that sends the alert / posts the thread in admin forum as the user that is not getting the PM. As vBulletin will not send a PM to itself.
The differences are ability to ignore userid's & groupid's, post to a thread, added config options in admincp, ability to either send PM / Post thread as triggered user or as a set user ("Configured in AdminCP Options") and there might be a few others that i cant think of off the top of my head right now.
- James