What is being done to improve FlashChat's integration security?
Just look at how easy it is to fake a login as an administrator:
i use a vBulletin 3.5.3 with FlashChat 4.4.2.
In this combination i have the following problem:
- I login in vb
- I enter the chat and leave them => a cookies "chat xxflashchatid" was set, the content of this cookie is my userid (i.e. 1)
- then I change the userid to another value, i.e. 33 (33 is the vb userid of another existing user)
- after this i can enter the chat as user 33 without a password !
So I can fake any user in the chat. I need a valid login only.
How can I eliminate this security vulnerability?
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You actually were able to gain moderator powers having initially logged in as a normal user?
Everything he said is true. I was able to log in as a regular user, change the user id in the cookie "bbflashuserid" to an admin's user id, and have access to all the admin powers.
This is a joke!
I don't care if this issue is fixed in new version. I will never use FlashChat again.
If the individual(s) who programmed FlashChat are clueless enough to include a hole like this, then I don't want any of their code running on my server.