Originally Posted by trilljester
I had to disable this mod because users were complaining about clicking links to threads and being taken to the wrong thread. Several others have mentioned this bug. It's a crippler.
And I've been working on it? So why are you coming to the thread and +++++ing about it? Yah, that'll help speed things up, +++++ and +++++ until the developer gets fed up with it!
I do not get charge for this, I have my own client work that I must complete, my own day job, and my own life. "Chairty" and "freebie" work goes at bottom of the pile, so don't like it, don't use vRewrite and don't freaking +++++ about it. Because, honestly, I do not care a single thing about what you think or others. Bug reports, and support reports, fine. Just skim the thread first. But when you +++++ about something free, then I got a problem.
My suggestion? Suck it up, or don't use it. I really don't want to listen to you.