I have this slight problem where i tend to read to far into things...so i was wondering if someone coculd help me out with exactly what all these option do?
IE...if i select yes for the first option...does that mean this group can do anything they want...or do i still need to select yes for the others?
Reply to own tickets...does this mean that this user can't reply to a moderators answer if i set to no?
This usergroup can Admin Support Tickets Yes No
Can Create Tickets Yes No
Can Reply to Own Tickets Yes No
Can Reply to All Tickets Yes No
Can Delete Own Tickets Yes No
Can Delete Any Tickets Yes No
Can Close Own Tickets Yes No
Can Close Any Tickets Yes No
Can Open Own Tickets Yes No
Can Open Any Tickets Yes No
Can Assign Tickets Yes No
Can Reassign Tickets Yes No
Can Post Attachments Yes No
Can View Attachments Yes No
Can Manage Categories Yes No
Can Update Ticket Category Type Yes No