Originally Posted by Retell
How exactley are you trying to import? You should be using the mass install tool. Copy:
to images/arcade
to games/
Hope that helps 
I did it in a much easier way... just uploaded all the files (image1.gif, image2.gif, game.swf, gameinstall.php) into admincp/games, and then ran v3 Arcade - Mass Game Import in AdminCP. Worked fine for a bunch I tried from the collection of 590. No need to copy each file into each folder manually beforehand.
Originally Posted by Retell
I put together a zip with ALL 14 of the main Yeti games, with their proper directories, so there is no going from folder to folder, just copy the 3 folders into you forums DIR and run the mass add. 
Now these I couldn't get working. Where should the folders be copied? I put them into admincp/games and the Mass Add didn't recognize them. I took the files out and put them in admincp/games, and Mass Add recognized/installed them... but the games themselves wouldn't launch. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the games that have a subfolder of more swf files in /games, with names like "yeti9_data." basically any game with more than one associated .swf file aren't working. How can I try again, with installing these games manually instead?