Originally Posted by bold
$vbulletin->userinfo[points] or userinfo[points] in navbar isn't working for me. $vbulletin->userinfo[points] gives me "Array" while userinfo[points] gives me a blank.
Try $bbuserinfo[points] and see if that works.
Originally Posted by lairnoc
ok l2 requests don't know if it was requested yet
but here i go
1. Is it possible to make an option for a pm when some-one tried to steal successfully or not
2. Is it possible to make the estore options in rows and collums instead of squares (don't know how to explain in english.) but then you won't have to scrol so much.
sort of forum home view i hope you understand what i mean with this...
And again thnx for all the support it really made my forum more active 
1) U mean send a PM to the user who they attempted to steal from? Yes, but if they try to steal 100 times in a row
it would flood the person would messages...
2) As far as the look goes, almost anything is possible, design a template for it and PM it to me and I'll incorporate it if it looks much better. (And do not take any templates from any other hacks, be original please.)