Your totally wrong,
The user would pay to post 1 thread! - so it acts like a classifieds forum.
The administartor could set how much to charge and how long the thread to run for.
It is basically a classifieds section (pay per post). So you pay a one off fee - for a one off post - and if you want extra posts - you have to pay again etc etc.
For a certain forum only - a user clicks new thread - they are then taken to a page - with details on how much they will be charged etc - they click accept - they would be then taken to the paypal site - once paid - they would be returned to the forum and into the create post section where they can input what they wanted to sell. It would work really well.
For myself and others - this could work well - and provide a really nice way to sell classified adertising on your vbulletin forum. This definately has potential.
Think of all the community forums run off the back of websites such as cars, crafts..anything - who have always wanted classifieds but didn't want the hassle of scripts etc - Having this implemented will give them the ability to do this with ease with no extra coding required, Also - I think highlighting this as a key feature would draw more people to purchase VBulletin as this option is highly desirable to webmasters looking for extra revenue and want to look beyond PPC schemes such as Adsense etc.
I'm sure the VB team could easily do it - it's just taking the subscriptions element and tweaking it to give a pay-per-post option.