Hi Immortal, I'm really glad to see you have 1.0 out woohoo!!!
After overwriting the .htaccess file and overwriting the old product with the new, I once again have this problem:

I was going to follow the workaround that you had posted here:
but it seems like that's giving me an error message if I use that code.
Any ideas? I'm desperate!!
ps. Before the 1.0 stable came out, the last one I was using I was able to use the above fix to get everything rewritten properly, the only problem was that only the first page of a multi page thread was being rewritten or working properly. Which was different from the previous bug where my users were reaching incorrect threads.
But now the above code fix will not work it appears.
Thanks in advance for any help, this hack is awesome and much needed, but it has to work properly, for now I'll uninstall so that my users don't get confused