Originally Posted by Paul M
Which urls ? and why, what does that do exactly ?
It makes the search engines not follow the links and not count it as a linkout.. basically makes the link non existent on the page in the eyes of a search engines so that your "pagerank" goes to your other links. Plus people with 200-300 members coming to their site a day dont want 200-300 active links to their member pages which will cause Spiders to spend their time visiting these links instead of spidering other more important parts of the forum.
Plus vBulletin by default adds relnofollow to the whos online section
PHP Code:
if ($today['visible'])
$wrdate = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $today['lastactivity']);
$whotoday .= "<a rel=\"nofollow\" href='member.php?u=$today[userid]' title='$wrdate' >";
if ($today['visible'] == 2)
$whotoday .= $today['opentag'].$today['username'].$today['closetag']."</a>*, ";
$whotoday .= $today['opentag'].$today['username'].$today['closetag']."</a>, ";
if ($whotoday)
$whotoday = substr($whotoday, 0, strlen($whotoday)-2);
$whotoday = $vbphrase['no_visitors'];
$search_text = '<!-- end logged-in users -->';
$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace($search_text,
That is where I added the rel=nofollow