Originally Posted by RDX1
No, I am stumped. His username is just a name with letters, nothing unusual.
He has the same primary and secondary group as others that can view the store. He has access to the store (I turned it on and off)
He has tried it in both Firefox and IE. I asked him if he would change his password and send it to me to check it out, he did and it was the same for me as it was for him. it's not his browser or system.
It's weird, usually I can figure these things out on my own, but this one I can't..
well since its only this one user and you cant seem to find the issue. why do you try creating a new user example test 1 then merge your user that has the issues to that one and see if it fixes the error. after you see it does then rename the user to his old name and test it again. hope this works. if you get another error then you will have to find a fix but ive had issues like this where its just 1 user and it never happens again. let me know