There is an option where some usergroup can send pager messages to users with pager turned off, and we should call all the functions and queries, even if they trund the pager off.
Allright, this option was activted. One problem less...

I'm sorry, but it doesn't work. I deactivated the pager but I still have traffic every x seconds. :disappointed:
I don't think I can do anything about the mutli windows part, but you can always turn the AJAX check to 0 and have the pager pops up manually, so there will be no AJAX check.
This would be a solution - but not a good one, because in this case, you coluld use the private message-system instead of the pager.
First possible sulution: A seperate pager-window.
Second possible solution: The reload-time or the whole reload-options could be set by the user within preset - admin-defined - ranges. Maybe with a hint like "This can produce additional traffic...".