Originally Posted by Throtex
This is a great hack, and my users have been enjoying it without too many problems for several weeks now! Great job!
I don't have a lot of resources on my server, so I have to be careful with things like this, but even with only 256M of RAM and ~30 users at a time (peak) everything seems to run ok.
I did however notice a gradual slowdown over the past few days. After having no luck with any mySQL settings (memory use is already well under control) I remembered to purge the deleted messages. That seems to have sped everything back up, though it could have been a coincidence.
Since I haven't had a chance to explore how this script works, I'm not even sure if deleting messages should really have an impact on server loads. Could anyone shed some light on this? I'm guessing the reason there are message limits in the usergroup settings isn't because a few text messages take up a lot of disk space.
If so, it may be useful to introduce an option where messages are purged automatically when read, and perhaps not saved to the sent items list. My users don't like having to delete their messages when they hit the cap, but if storing a lot of messages does nothing to performance I might as well just take the cap off ... no?

A pager message is only stored once, it's only a record which points to the message text, so the message you have sent and see in your sent items is the same message the recipients gets and see in their inbox, so it's not a duplicate of the same message.
Messages are purged automatically if marked as deleted from both side.
Sure I can have an option where it would mark a message as a deleted message just after you click on the close or the reply button, but again, some people wants to have a record "log" of their conversation and maybe, download "export messages" them later.
You can always force members to clear their inbox/sent items by restricting number of messages they can store.
It should not have an impact on the server loads.
Originally Posted by m-e-h.com
Your Hack is great, but it has one problem:
The AJAX refresh (to check for new messages) generates traffic - even to users who deactivated the pager.
Next problem: The refresh is done at all opened windows / tabs.
So if a user has deactivates the pager and opens 5 tabs / windows he has about 7 kb traffic every x seconds for a feature he don't want to use.
This is a big disadvantage for users with volume-based tariffs and for us because we probably have to pay for this additional and unnecessary traffic.
Is it possible solve this problem?
Thank you sir,
There is an option where some usergroup can send pager messages to users with pager turned off, and we should call all the functions and queries, even if they trund the pager off.
I don't think I can do anything about the mutli windows part, but you can always turn the AJAX check to 0 and have the pager pops up manually, so there will be no AJAX check.
Originally Posted by RFViet
How can i page to unregistered users ???
You can not send pager messages to unregistered users.