Originally Posted by bashy
Hi have a thread creating issue see attached
1. Also how can i remove the affilliate links? Remove that section completely?
2. How can i add my own link to the downloads button
3. Is there anyway to change the height of the navbar?
4. Need to remove the Power of one logo...perhaps the whols block, i have my own logo at the very top and is of no use to me and is taking up space that i will be using??
Love it btw lol 
1. Go to Admincp --> Styles & Templates --> Style Manager (pick the GF) and click the <--> button and scroll to Footer. Then click on the template(FOOTER) and search it for " IMG LINKS HERE " and delete that and it will not be there anymore.. Hope that helps!
2. And Downloads link what do you mean? You mean on the footer? Header i cannot do its set to one link (you could make a redirect from that link in your cpanel..)
3. Not really without having to recode and stuff you could edit the image and add something there to fill the area thats all i can say.
4. Ok i can delete that do you have an image and name you would like? umm PM me with stuff like that.
Thanks bud!