Originally Posted by designBox
Thank you very much for this useful hack.
I was just looking for something like this.
Thanks. Glad you like it.
Anyway, i still have 2 comments:
1)- I am getting an "Unknown Location /vB.Sponsors/link.php?f=4" into the WOL interface.
WOL interface? Can you post a screenshot?
2)- Will it be possible to integrate into the user control panel the stats of its link when the sponsor is registered member ?
That's a good idea. There was a suggestion to have the sponsors able to view their own stats. Adding to the User CP is a great idea. (adding to the list)
I am aslo impatiently waiting the ability to have the sponsor link at the top of each sponsored thread.
Thanks again for this awesome contribution.
INSTALL Clicked.
Patience grasshopper.

I've slowed down the development on this as I have to tend to some other things in life. I'll be resuming soon enough though.