Originally Posted by Odysseus
Ah, that is exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Only one thing:
The "Hall of Shame" will show Members without any transactions or even members with 100% goot ratings, if there are not "enough" shamers with less than 100% than the maximum display setting.
Change the "Hall of Shame" SQL to this in order to have only members with less than 100% rating and at least one transaction:
$itrader_shame_get = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT itrader_total, itrader_pcnt, username, userid, joindate
WHERE itrader_total > 0
AND itrader_pcnt < 100
ORDER BY itrader_pcnt ASC
LIMIT $mainpagelimit
itrader_main.php, starting at line 122
Good suggestion, accept the best way to do that would just be
WHERE itrader_total != 0
I am updating zip now with both of these changes (the post before and this one).