Thanks for the fast responce Gear. Ok upon further review of my problem I took at look at the message that was given.
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
I ended up uninstalling it and reinstalling the hack...carefully watched the template donation_paypalipn when it was installed and was successfull. Went through setting up the goal and buttons again and tested the ppverify.php and now I am the proud owner of a white blank screen. So my thinking is the donations_paypalipn template was corrupted and couldn't be read/accessed. Gonna play with it when I get off work and send some cash through to see if it truely is fixed.
This is my second install for this hack and I got spoiled on the first one cause that one too only took me 10 mins to install.
As for a lot of hacks.....I just the double nav bar.
EDIT : Well that blows my theory all to hell. I just tried donating $1 and the transaction went through to paypal alright but I got no recognition that there was any donation made. Figuring I had a bench mark to work off of I checked out the other site where I first installed this and successfully got it working and it still works 100%. But I did a check on the ppverify.php and I'll be a monkey's uncle......(slaps face like Curly on the 3 Stooges) this is what I got
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
and yet it works. I am more lost then when I started and I am by no means a coder.
Edit Again
Ok I found that if you try to test your ppverify.php it ends up creating a dead link which in turn gets you the error that I've been making above. I've access the db and deleted it and it comes back every time I try it out ie .com/ppverify.php So I am completely in the dark as to why I now have 2 sites with the same hacks with no errors on either and yet one works the way it should and the other does not. Still not recognizing the members that donated or adjusts my goal at all.
Next step is to uninstall everything and delete all templates and .xml and start over. Wish me luck