Originally Posted by Hellcat
In the "GENERIC_SHELL" template of each of the two styles you gonna use for site1 and site 2 find this:
HTML Code:
<title>$vboptions[bbtitle] - $pagetitle</title>
and change it to something like this:
HTML Code:
<title>Sitename - $pagetitle</title>
Doesn't work.

Still displays the forum's normal title even with <title>asfioajfiafj - &pagetitle</title>
ooh, found it.
<div class="navbar" style="font-size:10pt"><a
href="$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="1"><img
class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/navbits_start.gif"
alt="" border="0"/></a><strong>$vboptions[bbtitle]</strong></div>
Replace that bold with whatever you want. That at least gets the
ForumName > General Discussion part changed.
Aah, the <title> isn't in the headinclude... it's at the top of FORUMHOME. About 10 lines down.
(dumb automerge :speechless