Originally Posted by ExtProof
I said I didnt want it anymore, because it doesnt work right... SAFIN has developed a proper slap hack for me, sorry if your still mad.. but Im not paying for a hack with little features, and that doesnt even work...
a) you never said anything about any issues of getting it to work. Like you can see here -> IT WORKS
b) you never made a clear statement what features you need! Learn to express youself, where's the problem of saying "I also need this and that".
c) I don't just tell someone else to make something if I already had an agreement with another person. At least not without even sending a little note to the first one.
d) Why argue at all? You got what you want, the community got a hack more.
Case closed! - Now move along and die in peace.
Originally Posted by ExtProof
EDIT: the hack safin developed, along with my ideas... will be available for purchase soon, it has many features...  stay tuned
Dare you to advertise your commercial thing in my thread, or I WILL report you the the administration of this board!
Go and make your own threads!
And now he deleted his posts....