Hi everyone,
I need to add a Field to the forums table and them show it up in the template.
I have this:
Field in forums Table: corrillo_id TinyInt(6) UNSIGNED
Pluing: forumdata_start
PHP Code:
$this->validfields['corrillo_id'] = array(TYPE_UINT, REQ_NO);
Template: forumhome_forumbit_level2_post
PHP Code:
(Corrillo: $forum[corrillo_id])
The problem is that
$forum[corrillo_id] is empty, but in the data base there are some values. I notice this too with debug ON:
SELECT forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter, lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, replycount
FROM vForoforum AS forum
This supose to be:
SELECT forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter, lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, replycount,
corrillo_id FROM vForoforum AS forum
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks You ALL