Ok as it still keeps coming up and my original instructions are buried about 50 pages back here is a complete guide to making vbookie work with ebux. Section 1 assumes vbookie is already installed and ucash is not installed. If ucash is already installed go straight to section 2.
Maybe CMX can add this to the readme as it is such a common question.
Section 1 (vbbokie installed ucash not installed)
Ok here is how to integrate ebux and vbookie without having to edit the vbookie files.
Install eBux as per the readme.
Search for and remove the following if it exists in postbit and postbit_legacy templates
<if condition="$vboptions['vbookiecashon']">
<br />vCash: $post[vbookie_cash]
At this point you have 2 options which I will highlight bold and green, the bold option is for advanced users who are comfortable with running sql queries, if this does not describe you skip past this onto the green section. Once past the chosen section continue the normal text instructions.
Go to ACP >> Maintenance >> Execute SQL Query
Execute the following query
ALTER TABLE `user` CHANGE `ebux` `ucash` DECIMAL( 30, 5 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00000'
Go to AdminCP >> eBux Options >> Manage Settings and change Points Field Name to ucash (this option should be just over half way down the list.)
If you used the bold option skip past this green text. If you didn't feel comfortable messing with the sql then open /includes/functions_vbookie.php change all instances of ucash to eBux BEING CAREFUL NOT TO CHANGE ANY instance of vbookieucash. Remember to make these changes anytime a new version of vbookie is released.
Then go to ACP >> vBulletin Option >> vBookie Settings and set Enable uCash to yes
eBux and vBookie will now work together.
Section 2 ucash is already installed.
First remove ucash and vbookie edits to the postbit and postbit_legacy templates (or simply revert them if ucash and vbookie are your only postbit changes you have made).
Install eBux as per the readme
Go to AdminCP >> eBux Options >> uCash Integration >>click process
Go to AdminCP >> eBux Options >> Manage Settings and change Points Field Name to ucash (this option should be just over half way down the list.)
Go to the ucash settings and turn ucash off (don't uninstall it as this will remove the ucash field from the databse). If you really want to uninstall it you can but after you uninstall ucash you will need to run the SQL query mentioned in the bold section or make the file edits in the green section. If you don't uninstall ucash there is no need to run the query or edit the files.
(If you haven't installed vbookie yet you can install it now but don't do the postbit edits)
Then go to ACP >> vBulletin Option >> vBookie Settings and set Enable uCash to yes
eBux and vBookie will now work together
Hope this helps, although I fear at the speed this thread moves this post will be buried within 48 hours.